German Corporate Governance Code

E. Conflicts of interest

Principle 20 The members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board are bound to observe the enterprise’s best interests. In all their decisions, they must neither pursue personal interests nor exploit for themselves business opportunities to which the enterprise is entitled. Management Board members are subject to comprehensive non-compete clauses throughout the duration of their appointment.
E.1 Each member of the Supervisory Board shall inform the Chair of the Supervisory Board of any conflicts of interest without undue delay. In its report, the Supervisory Board shall inform the General Meeting of any conflicts of interest that have arisen and how they were addressed. Material conflicts of interest involving a member of the Supervisory Board that are not merely temporary shall result in the termination of that member’s Supervisory Board mandate.
E.2 Each Management Board member shall disclose conflicts of interest to the Chair of the Supervisory Board and to the Chair or Spokesperson of the Management Board without undue delay and shall inform the other members of the Management Board.
E.3 Members of the Management Board shall only assume sideline activities, especially Supervisory Board mandates outside the enterprise, with the approval of the Supervisory Board.